Monday 23 July 2012

placebo devotion

the placebo effect
its all in the mind 
always was 
always is 
forever will be
density of space or density of mind that is the question
as we emerge from the suffocation in the glass jar we find our selves at a crossroad
who are we
who am i 
who is this glass jar 
does it hold me back or does it set me free
back to the age old square one
back to the basics 
back to life 
back to god
back to one
allahum thabit agdamanaa
wa3tig rigaabanaa from the nar we allow for ourselves to continously recreate in the name of the dream......
in the name of the requiem for a dream
guru thapar thank you for opening my eyes to the other side
crossing over in conviction
somehow somewhere something great is happening for me right now
somehow somewhere something extraordinary is happening for me right ow
what are your eyes telling me
an irritation 
show me the world from the eyes of your truth, my truth our truth the one one truth that binds us all together as the infinite power of the universal eternal one
one spirit
one forgiveness 
one compassion 
one mercy 
in the power of one
in the name of unity 
love conquers all
show me the light 
give me what i need
dear god please save me
dear god are you there
she calls out loud screaming with raging anger at the dark glimmering light
stars shine 
resolutions pass
and the road is laid out with the light
the path is ablazed with conviction for change
how do i bring the healing love back to this world
how can i be the change i want to see in the world 
how do i honor my commitments and remain a free boundless
colorful bird escaping the confines of the meeeaaan judgemental harsh basma 
the angry scarred hurt basma 
the basma that needs to let go of being bullied into being who she did not like 
just to be liked
but it was never enough
nothing was ever good enough
dear army of angels please hear me
play back the lyrics of my life loud and clear
save me from the poison of limiting thoughts
the crutches of cushion 
the cushion for the rough ride
all in the liberating lie that we have created to escape 
compassion gratitude
be gentle with yourself and take it easy
make a big deal out of every 'small' deal 

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