Tuesday 24 July 2012

To: Islam, From: Muslims -with love, one love (ashhadu innah laa eelaha ila allah wa ashhadu innah mu7amadan 3abduhu wa rasooluh)

Yours Truly,
Smile People Foundation for liberation of public pubic affairs
where do we go from here
my ass would be a great place to start looking at all the elaborately creative bullshit we create our artificial misery and as if that is't bad enough, keep living off the toxicity it
allah akbar allah akbar
athan al thuhur
stop reflect
ground come back to your inner self, your god self basma, forgive yourself for projections of the ego mind
stay focused with god in god
7aya 3ala al9allah
allah akbar allah akbar
laa ilahaha ila illa allah
7agan la ilaha ila allah
7aya 3ala al fala7
welcome to success
welcome to peace
welcome to eternal bliss
la ilaha ila allah 7agan laa ilaha ila allah
rabana rab hathihee al da3watil tameh wal9alat il gaa2meh aatee mu7amadan al waseelatah wal fa6'eelah wab3th hu magaman ma7moodan alathy wa3adtah innak laa tukhlif il mee3ad
serotonin boost
refuelling and servicing engine
full service
all it takes
pull all the stops
pimp it out full daddy to rock this journey
transcending all limits of time and space
in the awakening to the the reality of the oneness that bridges all time and space as one
one spirit in me and one spirit around me as one
first and foremost responsibility is to safeguard this special amaaneh that comes with the sacred powerful roo7 illah
ground yourself
align yourself
i3ta9imoo bi7abil illah
laa illaha illah allah
dear god today like everyday i wake up with the intention to do my best, offer you my best and stop betraying my true SELF, the true essence of my being, what i am truly made of, in this hologram of the tapestry of life as you see it.
i ask you to help me maintain and sustain my awareness through prayer, islamic prayer postulations and other meditative portals
any portals
in my quest to let go of the 'limited' perception of 'perfection' to unfold 'truth' in vision- the unlimited power of your creation in your free will, that is me and everyone and everything as one
innah lilah wa innah eelayhee raji3oon
help me, guide me, ground me, balance me, sustain me, elevate me, transcend me, free me, forgive me, love me, blow me up with will power, strength and courage in conviction that humility, forgiveness and compassion are my lessons for growth
grow, forgive
transcend, let go
be at peace, have comapssion
let go of all labels and titles and inaccurate analysis
only god knows what anything means and what anything is for
accept limited perception in return for god's holy truth
write a book
journey to self
calling all angels
finding my self
healing myself
freeing myself
inna lilah wa inna ilayhee raaji3oon
bismillah tawakaltu 3ala al 7ay alathy laa yamoot

alright commands for motherboard all active and set
it works if you work it basma
remember we are all here for you
now kick the bucket and move forward in your pace and your interest ONLY
today's mission is to make yourself happy doing things that you love that bring you all the happiness you deserve, all the happiness that you are
happiness and me are one
god and me = ROO7 ALLAH and ME
me and god = ME and ROO7 ALLAH
are one
let go of unnecessary crutches that 

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