Tuesday 31 July 2012

will you help me see my sunshine

if i give you my hand, if i trust the nothing i have left to loose, if i stand up tall again what will i loose.
if i fall again will you lift me up if i choose will you guide me
if i commit will you see e through
if i give you faith will you give me confidence
if i rise will i fall
if i fall will i rise

i will rise as long as i fall as long as i fall i will rise up again
i am bound to only rise up
is there anywhere else to hide
is there any more pain you want to cause
is there anymore hurt you want to choke
is there any other place you would rather be

let go and let go
say good bye to this day to this moment in time
say hello to tommorrow and the present
the ability to start over and over
let us transcend
let us unite
let us awaken
let us rise above
let us be the models of the happiness we wish to see in this life
let us be the united family bond we all are as one spirit
let us feel our spirit presence
let us awaken once and for all
let us rise above the screams of the chaotic ego in gratitude for the peace of the spirit
the silent strong unwavering powerful spirit
the end justifies the means
the help is there to assist
the balance is here to set you free
rise above
embrace the gifts of your life
embrace the coordinates of your existence
embrace with gratitude and trust and peaceful sakeeneh al faraj wal barakah
innah lilah wa innah eelayhee raaji300n
ash hadu annah laailaha ila allah wa ashhadu innah mohammadan 3ubuhu wa rasooluh to guide me to treat release and forgive the root of the 'problem' to set me free to be reborn again
to recreate myself again
to build my new strong fun fearless and free spirited beautiful cheeful peaceful personality
innah lilah wa innah 3alayhee raji3oon
thank you for the gift of compassion
thank you for the gift of grace thank you for the gift of forgiveness
the you for the gift of the productive brain
thank you for the gift of friendship thank you for the gift of trust
thank you for the gift of patience
thank you for the pleasure of the moment thank you for the gratitude for the abudance of my life
thank you for the virtue
thank you for the family and the unity
thank you so much for the gift to choose a second chance a better chance in you
wakaltu amree ilayk yani3m almawlaa, rabi ihdinee leeagrab min haathaa rashadaa
innaah lilah wa innaaah ilayhee raaji3oon
astghfur allah walhamdulilah
survival of the fittest
balance stability union safety trust peace intention purity rest assured all is working out for my highest good, enjoy geel the loving blessings pouring down on me, within me, purifying me and breathe a sigh of relief
sit back and enjoy the ride
god is taking over for me for now
9al allahuma 3ala nabiyunaa muhammad wa 3ala aalih wa 9a7bih wa salim ajma3een ayaan ila youm ildeen
innah lilah wa innah eelayhee raji3oon
amsayna wa amsaa almulku lilah
shukran ya raby ya habibi shukran shukran shukran 3ala ni3matik alwasi3ah wa rizgik al kareem al3atheem al 9aaib
innah lilah wa innaa ilayhee raaji3oon
enjoy the ride till we call on you for your turn to step up and drive in the direction we guide you to
trust in the process
let it fold in peace
respect yourself
honor yourslef
embrace yourself forgive yourself hurt people hurt people
i have been hurt and i have hurt before
others have been extensively hurt battered and bruised and badly battered others in turn before
all in the desperate attempt to let fo of the heaviness the ego tempts them to engage in and carry
step back
take a deeeeeeeeeeeep loooooooooooooooong ass breath
surrender heal
optimisim acceptance optimism hope optimism happiness marriage body figure food respect boundries privacy commitment strength confidence conviction power intention trust intention forive yourself for forgetting
take it easy while learning
journal the journeying
sing the dance of love
live the life you always choose to live
live life
live now
one man. one world. one life.one man.one creation. one
the power of one
a7ad a7ad
allahuma wa7id shamlanaa wa an9urnaa 3alaa men 3aadanaa wa3tig rigaabanaa min al naar wa 9al allahuma 3ala nabiyuna muhamad wa3ala aalih al shurafaa ajma3een ayan ila youm ildeen
bismilah wal7amdulilah walahu akbar laailaha illah allah wa7dahu laashareeka lah
lah al7amd wa lahu alshukr wahuwa 3ala kul shay2 gadeer
innah lilah wa innaa ilayhee raaji300n

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